Liturgical Year

  • The Complicated Tragedy of Judas Iscariot

    Judas is an easy villain, is he not? He checks all the boxes: Complains about not giving to the poor while simultaneously stealing from the disciples’ purse? Check. Back-stabbing friend? Check. ‘Coward’ who kills himself rather than face the consequences of his actions? It feels like an uncomplicated character study, but the older I become […]

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  • God wants us to slow down in Advent. Believe Him.

    So many families seem to have it all together for Advent, don’t they? Christmas trees acquired and beautifully decorated; Advent wreaths lit while small children sing “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel;” devotionals read while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Advent is planned, done and dusted, and now they just get to sit back and […]

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